What is Carbon?
Carbon can be found in every living form. Earth is made up of 118 elements and Carbon is one of the most important elements. Atoms form with carbon to make new things, like coal, diamond, soil, rocks, and carbon dioxide. Some parts of the carbon cycle happen very quickly but some take a long time.
What is carbon dioxide (c02)
Carbon dioxide is when Carbon forms with atoms to create a new form. Excess carbon dioxide traps heat into the atmosphere and too much carbon dioxide will cause global warming. Without c02 we would freeze to death
How does Carbon get into our atmosphere?
When we burn fossil fuels it releases carbon into the atmosphere and its traps in the atmosphere and overheats our planet. Burning fossil fuels is like driving cars, trucks, motorbikes, and planes.
Good explanation about what carbon is and what is causing global warming. Good use of paragraphs, too.