Monday 16 August 2021

   What is Carbon?

Carbon can be found in every living form.  Earth is made up of 118 elements and Carbon is one of the most important elements. Atoms form with carbon to make new things, like coal, diamond, soil, rocks, and carbon dioxide. Some parts of the carbon cycle happen very quickly but some take a long time.

What is carbon dioxide (c02)

Carbon dioxide is when Carbon forms with atoms to create a new form. Excess carbon dioxide traps heat into the atmosphere and too much carbon dioxide will cause global warming. Without c02 we would freeze to death

How does Carbon get into our atmosphere?

When we burn fossil fuels it releases carbon into the atmosphere and its traps in the atmosphere and overheats our planet. Burning fossil fuels is like driving cars, trucks, motorbikes, and planes.

Wednesday 4 August 2021

                                                          Getting stuck

By Fialii Futi and Irwin Mangaoa

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

“Grandma?”, I asked, eyes still closed.

I took a peek out of one eye and saw it was only my dumb alarm.

Man, I was just about to make out with the hottest girl, Ava!

I saw it was not worth trying to get to the part where our lips touched, so I just threw on some clothes, and got ready to face the day. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. The toothpaste was a bit too minty for my liking, and for me, it was like eating Wasabi. I washed my face with a flannel, packed my lunch, packed my textbooks, and went out the door.


I took my place in class, third-row second seat to the left.

Mr. Waller did the roll.









Ava had long, silky black hair, followed by cute brown eyes. Her lips were as red as roses, and her skin was soft and smooth.

I was daydreaming when Mr. Waller called my name.

“Irwin. I believe you have detention, am I wrong?”.

“Right now?”

I knew it was a rhetorical question, so I reluctantly put on my bag and went out the door.

Detention was in the cafeteria, and to my disbelief, Harry and Bethlehem weren’t in their usual seats.

“Good morning Mrs. Patel”, I said with as much enthusiasm as I could muster.

All I got was a subtle nod.

I saw an empty seat, but to be honest, all of them were empty.

I started walking and slipped on a banana peel.

I quickly recovered and sat in my chair.

Mrs. Patel went out the door, and I heard a clatter of keys.

I assumed it was nothing.

But I could’ve been there all night if the Janitor hadn't found me...

Fialii gave me his ideas, wrote this, and then I changed some bits and bobs up and added a few describing words here and there, and minor things like the Italic in one of the first sentences.

Disclaimer: All ideas used were produced by King Banana!


Sunday 4 July 2021


The gloominess of the outside world was the only thing that kept me from inside my room.

The wind was howling, the moon was full, and it was high, shining above, glistening its light everywhere.

The doorbell rang.

I ran to answer the door, but when I opened the door, a package with my name on it greeted me.

“Allen. You can’t open that. Not yet”, Mum said.

I just really wanted to see what was inside.

But because of intelligence, my best bet was to wait and obey her.

And that’s what I did.

Because I’m a good boy.

Me and Irwin were working together, and we ended up with this masterpiece!

Hope you enjoyed... ")

Tuesday 4 May 2021

            100 Word Challenge…

…suddenly, darkness enveloped the room…

Suddenly, darkness enveloped. three ninjas appear in front of me. 

‘There's something about you that is rare, and everything’s in your room 

Suddenly they disappeared and I heard footsteps come up to my room.

I was scared and I was shaking. I hid under the bed, then finally the door opened and a foot was right in front of me. I was so scarcer I nearly wet my pants, he looked everywhere. finally, he heard a noise and that was the last of his breath he caught me then he disappeared he jumpscare me. Then I wake up it was just a dream

Wednesday 7 April 2021

 Who’s The Hero In Your Family??


  • I elaborate on my ideas with relevant details  e.g. each idea has supporting detail

  • I can use the 4 E’s in my writing- Evidence, Explanation, Example, Elaboration

  • To create a picture in the reader’s head

My brother 

  Clever person,fun,athletic,helpful

My brother is a very clever person,

He is always helping me with my work.

When he got homework, he finishes it in 8miniutes,

He even helped my big sister with her homework. he’s smarter than a computer.

He is always taking a run when he comes back from school, the fastest he leaves me behind, my brother can do over 130 pushups, he joins the rugby team and he can bump people off.

My brother is very helpful whenever I wash the dishes he comes and helps me with it, he helps my mum with her tool and cleans our room. and rectum the floor

My brother is the rudest person I ever know, whenever it is a very hot day he always says does anyone wants to go to the pools and we get to go to McDonald’s, and we can go to KFC after we finish swimmy.

Tuesday 30 March 2021

Dear: Carla 

 The last seat last row is Eble class red hill school room 14.

I am sorry for not coming to help you pack up and clean. 

I went to the birthday party and  I got the most points for the game and I won a harmonica.

I gave Colleen a gift from my heart and all of the girls were like I wish I had one of those.

I saw your letter that you left for me on your desk.

 When the birthday party ended she opened my letter and I accidentally wrote love Bradley and they shouted Bradley has a crush on Colleen and then Karen stuck up for me.

I and Jeff are friends again and we walked back together.

When you handed in my book report you said you accidentally ripped it when I ripped it and I got a gold star for my book report.

And this time I did not sit on the cake this time.

I will not rip my book report again.

Poor Jeff got a doll's dress and he was still happy about it and he did not complain. 

  1. I meet a dog called chicken and he always follows me wherever I go. 

Colleen always wanted to be with Jeff because she has a crush on him.                                                         

Karen kept on sticking up for me and I think that she has a crush on me.

 I also got a new haircut and my sister will not call me a chilly bowhead.

We were playing relay races, three legend races, and summer salt races.

Karen was good at it but I saw the girls' undies and it was weird 😃.

I wish you came back and I really miss you.

I hope you're having a great time but I know that you will love to come back to red hill school 

     What is Carbon? Carbon can be found in every living form.  Earth is made up of 118 elements and Carbon is one of the most important ele...